
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Video set up

Hey stampers!  I've had a few questions on how I shoot my videos so I finally remembered to take a picture.  I got a bendy tripod like this one here:

My plan was to put a floor lamp behind me and shoot over my shoulder, wrapping the tripod around the lamp but I realized that I could hook it onto the hutch over my desk and shoot that way.  When I edit the video I just flip it 180 degrees so it's "right side up". Now, please note that my camera is not in the photo...because I had to TAKE the photo with it, haha.  And by the way, I just use a plain old Cannon camera set to the video mode.  Maybe one day I'll get a cool flip camera or something!

Anyway, that's what I do.  It's a bendy type tripod I got at Target.  Won't work for you if you don't have a hutch but it's what I came up with!  See you soon!


  1. My Cannon can do video too, but don't the files come out waaaaay too big??

  2. Hmm, I'm not sure. I use a editing software so that may compress it...then I upload to youtube, haven't had a problem so far.

  3. Oh Mindy, where did you find your storage for you stamp pads at??


Thanks for your comments. I probably won't respond unless you ask a direct question (because I know my limits, lol) but I read and appreciate every single one <3