
Thursday, August 9, 2012

I dropping

Hi stampers!  I'm finally organized enough to start sharing more from convention!  I'm going to start with all the wonderful friends I've made through SU!  I cannot say enough about each and every one of these ladies (and one super cool dude)!  It's nice to be around so many like minded stampers who are as crazy about the craft as I am.  And I'm happy to say that because of convention they are all my REAL LIFE friends now instead of just my friends who live in my computer:-) That's what I love about SU, that it's not JUST about stamping, it's about people and relationships!  I have so many friends from so many places that it's just awesome!  I only wish we had more than one week in SLC a year though!  And I'm telling on myself but I did steal some of these pics from other's blogs:-)

So, first up is my roomie and new friend, Brenda Myers!  We had a ton of fun together!  I'm so happy she could put up with me, hehe!  And I hope I didn't wake her up too early when I'd go for my morning runs!  This is us on the bus on the way to Riverton.
Speaking of running this is me and my running buddy Wendy Weixler!  She's a SLC native so she knew of all the great spots to run!  On Saturday she even took me to the top of world overlooking downtown and all of Salt Lake!  It was awesome.  I miss the mountains now that I'm back in the flat land!  This is us at the top of the world!
And one day we even matched in our yellow!
And Wendy was a fellow Artisan finalist AND winner!  I'm so happy for her and can't wait to see what she makes for the design team!  This was us on awards night.  We clean up pretty nice!
Susan and Cindy are my good buddies from Splitcoast.  I ran into them everywhere I turned it seemed!  I thought this was from Lyssa's swap but it was from the first day. Cindy is also an Artisan winner!  Yay!
And speaking of Lyssa....this is us waiting for the awards and info booth to open so I can find out I'm not a Artisan winner:-)  I'm glad I ran into her or I would have forgotten about this and had to wait in line!  Thanks girl:-)
Lydia is definitely one of my fave people!  Not only is she my height but she totally rocks and keeps Splitcoast running smooth!  Not to mention she's wicked talented and puts together an awesome happy hour;-)  This is us at Squatter's which is one of my fave places to eat. 
And last but not least is my good buddy and co-creator of the demo facebook page Jason!  It's handy to have Jason around because I can always see him!  Not just because he's a guy and definitely in the minority at convention but because he's tall:-) 
I'll be back with more names to drop soon!  I have all my NEW friends to share!  And a few various group shots and of course some projects and samples at some point:-)

Happy stamping!

1 comment:

  1. Awwww, Mindy, thanks for putting the picture up there of you and me and Cindy!! Seeing all these SLC pics makes me miss Convention and SLC and YOU! Isn't it great to have no humidity! Ugh - so sticky here in Illinois lately, right, girlie?

    Hugs to you today!

    Susan, aka Soozie4Him on SCS
    moot96 AT aol DOT com


Thanks for your comments. I probably won't respond unless you ask a direct question (because I know my limits, lol) but I read and appreciate every single one <3