
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Worst. Blogger. Ever.

Hi stampers!  I'm the worst blogger ever it seems!  I don't know why I can't seem to blog or stamp much since I quit my job.  Hello....all the time in the world, right?  I am still trying to find a schedule that works for me but I feel like I just spin my wheels a lot but I did that before too, ha!  Maybe I actually stamped and blogged better "under pressure" when I knew I only had a limited amount of time?  Who knows.  Anyway, I'm working on it.

However I wanted to share the Thank You Thursday deals today!  These are items on sale for ONE day (today) only!  And if they sell out today, that's it!  No more discount!  Today is all about punches!  And they have some totally cute ideas on the blog!

Artisan Label Punch Item #130920
Regular Price: $15.96 US/$21.95 CAN
Discounted Price:$11.96 US/$16.46 CAN

Bitty Butterfly Punch Item #129406
Regular Price: $15.96 US/$21.95 CAN
Discounted Price:$11.96 US/$16.46 CAN

Hexagon Punch Item #130919
Regular Price: $15.96 US/$21.95 CAN
Discounted Price:$11.96 US/$16.46 CAN

Mosaic Punch Item #131267
Regular Price: $15.96 US/$21.95 CAN
Discounted Price:$11.96 US/$16.46 CAN

Pansy Punch Item #130698
Regular Price: $15.96 US/$21.95 CAN
Discounted Price:$11.96 US/$16.46 CAN

They also made some updates to the online store so it should me MUCH easier to your PJ's (which I may or may not be in right now, hehe)!!!!!  Make sure to click the shop button to the right and check it out!

Here's the samples on the blog.  I love love love the first one!!!!

And speaking of the blog....make sure to check it sometimes....or every day!  They have some fun stuff there!  I try to share a lot of it on my Facebook page so make sure you're following me there as well!

Ok, I'm off to teach some aerobics...if I can make it off the couch after running and teaching a class of teenagers last night, lol!

Happy stamping!


  1. I am right there with you, Mindy! My blogging has been very minimal lately. I used to blog 2 or 3 cards a day and now I a lucky if I even make 2 cards a week! I'm glad you popped in today though...I have been checking daily and had almost convinced myself that my computer was broken and not updating your page! lol

  2. Glad to know I am not the only one with that problem! I've been calling it the retiree's, "there's always later or tomorrow," syndrome.

  3. Mindy, you're being too hard on yourself! You are just proving Parkinson's Law: "Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion." As Vicky said, it affects retirees -- I have been retired a little over a year and still have trouble getting motivated as well as many others. ... We'll read and love your blog entries when you're good a ready to write and post them. In the meantime, take it easy.


Thanks for your comments. I probably won't respond unless you ask a direct question (because I know my limits, lol) but I read and appreciate every single one <3