
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Information Overload!

Hi stampers!  So, Tuesday was a big day at Stampin' Up!  And I'm a little slow on the draw here because I ended up traveling to my mom's to pick up the dog, go out to dinner with my parents, and stay the night).  I was going to blog all about it there but the internet in the middle of nowhere was not cooperating and then I had like the busiest day ever (for someone who's not working, ha) and felt like CRAP!  The weather that flip flops from 50 to barely 0 is wreaking havoc on my head and sinuses so unless I HAD to do it yesterday I was napping on the couch.  Anyway, maybe I can get around to sharing all the fun stuff today!

First off, SU has released the Texture Boutique Embossing Machine again!

This little thing is cool!  It's only $29.95 so if the Big Shot is a little more than you want but would still like to emboss you NEED this!!!  I might get one so that when I do more classes (if we ever find a house and move) there won't be a line at the big shot!  And since it's SAB now (more about that later) if you purchase it and the three folders in the occasions mini (or any three folders) you qualify for a FREE Sale A Bration item!!!!

They have also released a fun new card kit!

The Hip Hip Hooray card kit is super cute and for only $19.95 (which is a great start to earning a SAB item by the way) you will get the supplies to make 20 cards!  Now, you do need to note these are not A2 (4.25 x 5.5 ) cards but slightly smaller note cards.  Personally, I love the smaller note cards, they are so cute!

And finally, the main star:  SALE A BRATION!!!!!!!!

For every $50 you spend (before shipping and taxes) with me or in my online store you earn a FREE item from the SAB flyer!  As always, there is some super cute stuff!  Hopefully I'll have some samples to show you soon too!  And there's no limit!  So earn one, a few, or ALL of them!!!! But don't delay!  It's only around until March 31st!

Please contact me today should you want to order or have any questions about any of the FUN things going on right now!  It's super cool that they released the new items just in time for SAB so you can earn your FREE items!!!!

Make sure to check back tomorrow too for the first Fab Friday challenge of 2014!

Happy stamping!

1 comment:

Thanks for your comments. I probably won't respond unless you ask a direct question (because I know my limits, lol) but I read and appreciate every single one <3