
Monday, March 24, 2014

I'm back-sort-of...Mailable Monday

Hi stampers!  Greetings from my temporary home...yep, another one, lol!  My hubby and I are in a corporate apartment until we close on our house next month.  It's "fully furnished" which means it doesn't have a desk for me to stamp on (or a can opener....but that's ANOTHER story all together!!!).  I might have updated you last week that I was going to set up a stamping area on the dining table (since we weren't using it anyway...we've reverted back to coffee table eating while here for no good reason, ha) and I have.  It's no ideal but it works I guess.  It's round and it's glass which I'm having trouble with but I'm plugging away!  I had really hoped the Mr. would find a desk he wanted so I could use it before we move into the house but it was a no-go...since when is HE the picky one????  :-)

Anyway, I've managed to make 25 swaps on it last week and whip up a couple of other cards too!  I made this the other day since I REALLY need to use some of my SAB goodies!  Don't forget that next week is the LAST week to get FREE products for every $50 you spend!  I really love the offerings this year and I'm super sad to have been in this transition period and really not been able to devote much time at all to stamping and using them!

Sorry for the poor photo quality/lighting!  Like I said, the set up here isn't ideal and this was the best I could come up with.  I'll keep tinkering with it.  Sure seems odd to not see my normal background there!

It's hard to see but I did a little peircing up in the left top corner and I added a few of the gold sequins and some of the cork accents from the SAB accessory pack.

I hope you're all enjoying your SAB products and got to play with them more than I did! I'd like to try to make up for lost time but I'm going to have to travel to my mom's for a funeral this week.  Please keep my family in your thoughts and prayers as we lost my great aunt early this morning.  She will be missed and I'm glad I was able to send her a card a few weeks ago to tell her I was thinking about her!  I'll try to stamp and post when I can!

Happy stamping!

1 comment:

Thanks for your comments. I probably won't respond unless you ask a direct question (because I know my limits, lol) but I read and appreciate every single one <3