
Monday, August 11, 2014

He's Here!

He's here!  Ian Lee was born Tuesday, August 5th at 6:01pm!

I was supposed to go in to start induction at 8pm Tuesday but the little guy decided to get things going on his own.  I woke up feeling funny every hour on the hour from 11-3 an finally at 3 I thought, this is kind of painful now.  Woke Jon up and then went to ask my mom what contractions felt like lol!

We got ready and headed in not a minute too soon because I was pretty uncomfortable by the time we got to the hospital at 4:30.  I'll share more of the labor story later but we kind of had a perfect storm of minor complications that all added up to a c-section being the best option although I'd like to avoid it.  But all that mattered was getting him here safe and I knew I had a higher chance of it due to having an oval shaped pelvis instead of round.  And the "little" guy ended up being 8 pounds even, ha!  20.5 inches long.  And honestly, even though I'd rather avoided it, recovery hasn't been anything as bad as I expected.  I felt not too bad the first day and immensely better every day!

Anyway, just wanted to let my friends, readers, and customers know I may be on a bit of a hiatus, we'll see.  The little guy has us back in the hospital after only one night at home.  Saturday he looked a little lethargic and hadn't had many diapers so we took him in and were admitted as his temp was on the low end of normal and he was down to just over 7 pounds.  Since, then my milk has come in and he is feeding like a champ and gets extra bottles and is back to 8 or a little over 8 this morning and doing much better and more of his spunky self.  Just waiting on all the labs to come back which takes 48 hours or so.  We hope to go home tomorrow but everything is looking up and he even let mom and dad sleep pretty good last night!  ;-)

I'll leave you with some pictures and I hope to be back to a little stamping and blogging as good stress relief soon!  Oh, and I got my holiday mini goodies.  They are so lonely at home with granny ;-)

Happy stamping (stamp some for me!)


  1. Congratultions! You will never know another love like that you have for you child. All the best to You, Jon and baby Ian.

  2. Congrats!!!! So happy for you and your little family. I've kept up with you over the years of trying to get pregnant and now here is the little guy. He looks wonderful. Again, congratulations.

  3. Congratulations Mindy! I read your blog tons and love your style! You're little man is handsome - enjoy!
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada

  4. Yay! Congratulations. He is beautiful and you all look so happy. Now go have fun with that little one. What joy!

  5. Congrats on your bundle of joy. Connie

  6. Congratulations. He is adorable. Enjoy your bundle of joy...they grow like weeds.

  7. Oh Mindy... Just want to cry... Wonderful Pictures!! Happy Family!! Just Love you guys.... Happy Birthday Ian Lee!!!

    Love Faith

  8. He's beautiful! I am so glad to hear that things are looking up, too. Enjoy him!

  9. Congratulations!!! A beautiful little boy.

  10. Sending you all big old hugs!!!! So glad he is finally here ang you guys are looking so good!!

  11. Beautiful baby boy! Congratulations and enjoy every minute of it!

  12. Congratulations on your sweet baby boy! You all make a beautiful family. We'll all understand if we don't see a lot of you for a while.

  13. Congratulations - he's beautiful. All the best to and your sweet family.

  14. Congrats on your new lifestyle, lol!! Beautiful picture of your little family, enjoy :)

  15. How precious! Congrats on your new family. Glad things are going better for both little Ian and you. Rest as much as you can and let Jon help! :)

    Happy family!

    Jenny W

  16. Congratulations! Welcome baby Ian! Hope you get to home soon and really enjoy him. Positive thoughts and prayers headed your way and for your adorable family.

  17. Congratulations to your beautiful addition to your family!

  18. Congratulations!! He is very handsome.

  19. Congratulations!! He is adorable and you guys look very happy! :D

  20. Congratulations on your new adventure as a mother to your sweet little boy!

  21. Mindy, congrats on your precious baby Ian! He is beautiful and I just the love your pictures. Wishing your family all the best!!

  22. What a cutie! I have an Ian too-age 37-love that name. Hope everyone is home now and all is well.

    Cindy in Oregon

  23. Mindy, Ian is SO Handsome! What a Cutie! So Happy for you and Jon..Such a blessing.. Best wishes always!

  24. Congratulations!!! He is adorable and so beautiful. Your family is perfect! Hope he is home and healthy soon.

  25. Congratulations Mindy and Jon! Ian is gorgeous (if that's okay for a boy...). What a lot of hair he has, already.

  26. Congratulations!! You have a beautiful new family. Enjoy! They grow so fast!

  27. So happy for you and Jon! Ian is gorgeous! Congratulations!!!

  28. Congratulations to you and your hubby and your beautiful baby Ian! Many blessings to you all for health and healing :)

  29. He's beautiful, congratulations

  30. What a precious blessing Mindy. Congrats to you and Jon on a handsome little Ian.

  31. He's so beautiful, just like his mama! Seriously, you just had a baby and you look lovely, not a hair out of place! Congrats!

  32. Congrats! What a beautiful family! Enjoy your precious gift!


Thanks for your comments. I probably won't respond unless you ask a direct question (because I know my limits, lol) but I read and appreciate every single one <3