
Monday, November 24, 2014

Tis the season…almost

Hi stampers!  I generally don't like Christmas before Thanksgiving but I make an exception for cards….and I made an exception for our tree since I don't have as much time to put it up now :-)  And we have a lot of things going on for the holidays so I wanted to be able to enjoy it.  It was worth putting it up because Ian "talked" the entire time we did it :-)  Anyway, I managed to get some cards made of late and of course they are Christmas cards.  The theme lately has been clean in and simple as well!

Here is a quick, easy and simple card I made based off some cards I've made in the past that were inspired by my friend Marla.  I'm so happy this set it back in the holiday catalog!  Paired with washi tape it makes a super cute yet quick card!

I'm hoping to post most days this week, we'll see what happens :-)  And speaking of the season…SU has started your Black Friday shopping early!  Sale prices are only while supplies last so make sure to check out my store over there to the right!

Happy stamping!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Fab Friday 55

Or not….ha!  Happy Friday stampers!  TGIF is all I have to say after a weird week.  Not going into detail but it was weird and I'm excited for the upcoming holiday "week".  It's also Daddy's birthday this weekend so I probably should have made a card for him but I didn't, lol!  The card that I made in about 5 minutes (because I KNEW Ian was about to wake up after I showered since he sleeps about 40 minutes. On. The. Dot.  And literally as I was taking the photo the baby monitor sparked to life, ha) for this week's Fab Friday challenge is not one of my favorites and I don't think it's fabulous.  But that's ok.  I just wish I'd thought to make it a birthday card for Jon.  He spent a day with Ian though playing SAHD so hopefully he'll understand if I don't get one made for him :-)

Anyway, this week is a fun sketch!

And here's my card…it's ok…but these days just getting one done is fabulous I guess :-)

The rest of my post will be brief as I've got to try to get the other posts for the challenge done, make dinner, and fold laundry all in my 40 minute window :-)

Make sure to check out all the designer's creations and play along with us!

Happy stamping!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Freaking Finally!

Hi stampers and happy Friday (this actually posts on Thursday Wednesday night so if you're reading it then just pretend it's Friday Thursday, ok)!  Note:  See what my mommy brain did there?  LOL!  Welcome to the November edition of the Control Freaks blog hop.

You have just come from the fabulous blog of my fabulous friend Wendy (who I majorly missed seeing this summer having to skip convention and all) and if you haven't don't worry as we make an endless loop.  The theme for this month is my favorite...the holidays!  Can I just say HOW excited I am about the holidays (Halloween-Christmas) this year with my little guy???  And he can't even really enjoy things yet so it's only going to get better!!!!  It's safe to say we (and all his grandmas and grandpas) may go a bit overboard....LOL! And speaking of the holidays I need to share our Halloween pictures sometime.  Stay tuned for that :-)

And I'm super excited because as I mentioned I have finally made some cards I really like and feel like I got my mojo back!  FINALLY!

This card is super simple but I think it's cute!  The little "red" thing is actually a silver sequin that must be reflecting my shirt :-)

My next card is my favorite and what made me feel like I got my mojo back.  I'd made this tag quite a while ago and had it sitting on my desk just waiting to do something with it. I'm so happy with the way this one turned out!

The last card is actually the swap I made for the Control Freaks.  I struggled to get these designed and done with Ian but I did it and I'm glad I signed up for it so I HAD to stamp something!  I hope everyone liked them!  I wanted to do something a little different with the tree stamp and NOT use the punch so customers can see you don't NEED the punch...although it's awesome...but you can use the stamp set without it nevertheless.  I've had this one saved up since September.  And I totally didn't think about how LONG it would take to tie over 20 of those tiny little bows lol!  This is the second version of the card I made and what made the cut.  I'll try to share the first version another day!

In the interest of time I'm still not listing supplies as I can't always remember everything and I'm trying to blog during nap times which are only about 40 minutes, like on the dot….I really wish they were a bit longer!!!!!!!!

Now it's time to hop on over to Julie's blog and see her festive holiday creations!

Happy stamping!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Clarification :-)

Hi stampers!   First off, thank you for all the nice and encouraging comments and messages regarding my last post.  I really don't actually feel like a "failure", I was really more trying to be funny :-)  Granted, I'm not doing great at managing to get ALL the things done I want to but I'm ok with that.  I mean kind of, I really DO want to stamp more and do some other things more (like work out) but I know it will happen eventually.

I DO wish we were still back "home" or at least closer as ALL of this would be easier with help.  It would be nice to be able to go visit my various family members and friends (many of which have had babies recently or are having them) or to just get some "me" time by having a trusted baby sitter or 2 or 3.  It would be neat to meet friends and family for lunch or something too and have sitters so I could go to the gym or be able to have my mom run up any time I needed which is easier to do with an hour drive than 4 :-)  And I'm certain that my MIL would be more than happy to watch him about any time she isn't working so I could do...anything :-)  But, this is the way it's supposed to be for whatever reason so I'll stamp when I can.  Hopefully, I'll get a little time this week when my parents are here BUT then I always want to hang out with them too, lol!  Anyway, I deal with most things with humor so I was really trying to be more funny than anything in my last post and think I'm doing ok with this mom thing.  Sure, I have my freak out times but who doesn' or not, ha!  And I'm sorry I haven't done a better job at keeping everyone updated on Ian!  I'll have to do that soon as he's three months old already!!!!! Soon he'll be stamping WITH me, hehe! Which I can't wait for by the way!

And thanks to dad being great, I was able to go to a crop last night and get some project life pages done! Speaking of Project Life, it's NOT just for memory keeping!  I couldn't wait to use the cute Christmas sets for some cards!  I love how this one turned out aside from the photo being crummy…sorry!

Hopefully you'll see a bit more of me in the next few weeks!  Wish me luck!

Happy stamping!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Fab Friday 54

Hi stampers!  So I'm failing at motherhood/blogging/stamping :-)  I have stamped a little but I'm not doing well at getting things blogged.  I'll get it together ONE day, right?  He's eventually got to learn to feed and clothe himself in like 18 years, right? :-)  In the meantime, please be patient with me!  But, I do have a card for the new Fab Friday challenge!

And since time is still in short supply around here the details will have to wait.  I will say this was for my mother in laws birthday last weekend.  I hope she liked it!

Make sure to check out the other DT's creations and play along!

Happy stamping!