
Saturday, November 15, 2014

Clarification :-)

Hi stampers!   First off, thank you for all the nice and encouraging comments and messages regarding my last post.  I really don't actually feel like a "failure", I was really more trying to be funny :-)  Granted, I'm not doing great at managing to get ALL the things done I want to but I'm ok with that.  I mean kind of, I really DO want to stamp more and do some other things more (like work out) but I know it will happen eventually.

I DO wish we were still back "home" or at least closer as ALL of this would be easier with help.  It would be nice to be able to go visit my various family members and friends (many of which have had babies recently or are having them) or to just get some "me" time by having a trusted baby sitter or 2 or 3.  It would be neat to meet friends and family for lunch or something too and have sitters so I could go to the gym or be able to have my mom run up any time I needed which is easier to do with an hour drive than 4 :-)  And I'm certain that my MIL would be more than happy to watch him about any time she isn't working so I could do...anything :-)  But, this is the way it's supposed to be for whatever reason so I'll stamp when I can.  Hopefully, I'll get a little time this week when my parents are here BUT then I always want to hang out with them too, lol!  Anyway, I deal with most things with humor so I was really trying to be more funny than anything in my last post and think I'm doing ok with this mom thing.  Sure, I have my freak out times but who doesn' or not, ha!  And I'm sorry I haven't done a better job at keeping everyone updated on Ian!  I'll have to do that soon as he's three months old already!!!!! Soon he'll be stamping WITH me, hehe! Which I can't wait for by the way!

And thanks to dad being great, I was able to go to a crop last night and get some project life pages done! Speaking of Project Life, it's NOT just for memory keeping!  I couldn't wait to use the cute Christmas sets for some cards!  I love how this one turned out aside from the photo being crummy…sorry!

Hopefully you'll see a bit more of me in the next few weeks!  Wish me luck!

Happy stamping!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you are coping and actually quite well from the sounds of it! :) Also good that you got to go out to a crop - lucky - and that is great for you to do - I am envious!


Thanks for your comments. I probably won't respond unless you ask a direct question (because I know my limits, lol) but I read and appreciate every single one <3