
Friday, December 5, 2014

Not Fab Friday

Hi stampers and happy Friday!  I was bad and didn't get a project made for Fab Friday this week.  BUT you can still check out the site and see the awesome DT samples and play along!  It's our last challenge until February 2015 (OMG how can that be possible?) so you know you want to get in on it :-)

I didn't plan ahead and have had little time to stamp and then today were Ian's 4 month shots a day early I might add. So, he was sleepy and cuddly and fussy and daddy was late tonight so I'm lucky I got the posts done, ha!  I'm really hoping I can figure out a way to stamp regularly soon! Anyway, here's a little update on my little…or big…guy :-)

He's almost 16 pounds which is right around average so he's slowing down there a bit but he's almost 27 inches long which is over the 95th percentile!  Ha!  He must be taking after his dad as I'm all of 5 feet tall :-) Here's my smiley guy even after his shots today…and like most pics lately it's blurry since he doesn't stop moving!  And then there's one from his first Thanksgiving!

And here's another CAS card I managed to get done a few weeks ago.  It will have to do instead of Fab Friday!

Happy stamping!


  1. Oh, Mindy, he is adorable! And you look beautiful! I'd rather see baby pics than a card anyway. Haha! Enjoy your time with him. They grow up way too fast.

  2. OMG, he's so cute!! And so much bigger! Is he sleeping thou the night yet!? That's when I finally got time to do anything since I wasn't so darn tired getting up every so many hours.

  3. he is so cute I cannot believe it. the pic of the two of you is precious. your card is cute too!

  4. He is adorable! I know previous commenters used that word, but that word came to my mind before reading the other comments. Thanks for sharing the pics of him and you. Merry Christmas!


Thanks for your comments. I probably won't respond unless you ask a direct question (because I know my limits, lol) but I read and appreciate every single one <3