
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

I did it!

Hi stampers!  I did it…no I didn't stamp (well I did a little over the weekend) but I MADE IT TO THE GYM WITH IAN!  This is a big deal for me, lol!  I've been avoiding it for a myriad of reasons but mainly because I'm not in a routine and I hate getting used to one and I wasn't sure how to time things with Ian's naps and what not. Well, I decided that no matter what it's time.  With the winter blues I've got to get out of the house and just feel more like the old me. The gym was a huge part of my routine back home and it was so nice to do something I enjoy again.  I also think it's good for him to be around kids and other people although since I've only ever left him with family since we don't know anyone here I was dragging my feet.  But, I found a gym I really like with a child care program I really like!  We went this morning and he did great!  He didn't fall asleep on the way as I'd hoped but he did on the way home and this may be most exciting (lol), I was able to get him out of the car seat and in bed without waking up, hooray!  Haha!  So, here's to hoping it keeps going well.  I felt really good working out and just being around people!  I did a class yesterday since dad was off and really like it too although my muscles may not be saying that right about now!  It was a barre class.  Any of my readers do that?  I've always heard about it but never had a class near me!

So, now that's out of the way I can show you a pretty card!  Ok, maybe not a pretty card as it's kind of manly :-)  I just love this new set from the occasions mini.  And I'm not a great colorer with the blendies but I'm trying!

Again, I'm skipping the editing for now but I'm not sure I'm going to be able to stand it :-)  Same with adding supplies…we'll see….

And thank you for all your comments and messages on my last post.  I'm slowly figuring out the new normal for us.  I just really hate in-between times.  Like I said above I hate carving out a new normal or new routine.  I get something that works and I like to stick with it :-)

Happy stamping!


  1. I so remember those days. I started back at my gym when my son was six weeks old. I remember the nervousness of leaving him, trying to time feedings around the trip, bu it was good for both of us. As he got older, he loved playing there and made some good friends and I got to feel like myself again. Keep up the good work, it will pay off. FWIW, my son went to our gym up until last year. He's 11....he is practically a member of the staff there! Good luck!

  2. Congrats on getting out with the bambino..I know it's hard with little ones. I've been seeing a lit with this new set...>>>cards that is....and yours is the cutest I've seen so far!! Fantastic!!


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