
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Shake it off

Hi stampers!  I must be a bit loopy today as the title of my post makes me laugh.  A friend of mine from my old job and I couldn't STAND any Taylor Swift songs (which with about one radio station we could get at work her songs played WAY too much so even if we had liked them we were always sick of ALL the songs they played, ha).  See, loopy, I tell ya!  Anyway, the title fits because I need to shake it off that I haven't blogged or stamped as much as I'd liked.  But, because we were back home over the weekend for TWO baby showers (FUN) and many of our shows are back on in the evening, I'm ok with it.

And then I'm sharing a shaker card!  I don't THINK I've shared this one and I've had it filed away for-ev-er!  It's a total CASE from my friend Jen Timko and it really helped me feel creative when I was struggling a while ago.  Heck, it may have even been made before Ian, I can't really remember.

Anyway, here it is!

Thanks for the inspiration as always Jen!

I love the colors!  I want to make more shakers but in the move I lost my window sheets…which if I'm being honest were actually transparencies that I bought in college for a presentation.  Do kids today even know what those are/were???  Ha!  I need to buy some of our window sheets but I'd been using these since I had a bunch of them and man, were those things expensive!  I wonder where they are?  You always seem to lose something when you move, right? Oh, and how did I make it if I didn't have anything you ask?  I used a cello bag, lol!  It was NOT easy but it worked I suppose ;-)  I also love that star stencil but MAN, I need a sink in the basement to clean it off!  :-)

Oh well, off to look at what else I need since it's SAB and a great time to order anything you need or stock up on things you use a lot!  Remember, you get a free item for every $50 you spend!

Happy stamping!


Thanks for your comments. I probably won't respond unless you ask a direct question (because I know my limits, lol) but I read and appreciate every single one <3