
Monday, November 16, 2015

Get it together already....

Hi stampers!  So....I swear I'm going to try to get my life together and not only STAMP but BLOG!   I'm still having some techie issues with my editing software so I tend to get annoyed and just quit editing pictures all together.  Stupid, I know.

I am managing to stamp off and on a little bit which is better than nothing.  I'm still having trouble coming up with ideas.  I also do better when I have long dedicated blocks of time...which don't really happen often with Ian, lol!  I really need to get with it though and use all the holiday goodies because the Occasions ones are fast approaching!!!!!  Eeeep!  I get to take a peek either tonight or tomorrow morning...probably the latter....I like my sleep ;-)

Here is a quick and simple card I came up with using the Project Life set which I LOVE!  And I love cozy sweaters which is just what it reminds me of!

Stamps:  Seasonal snapshot 2015
Paper: Very vanilla, delightful dijon
Ink:  Cajun crazy, blackberry bliss, mossy meadow, delightful dijon

I can't believe Thanksgiving is just next week!  And I know I mentioned the Occasions catalog up's coming up AND for the first time SU has given us a retired list from the Holiday Catalog so check it out on my store (just click over there to the right) and make sure you grab anything you've been putting off!

I've also done a terrible job at keeping you all updated on Ian and I'll try to do better there as well.  He is currently sleeping off his shots at his 15 month appointment this morning.  We were a bit late as his doctor is Canadian and had been back home for a bit but better late than never...although Ian might disagree ;-)  He didn't have the best time today but once we got home and he had lunch he was much happier!  

He's 33 inches (which is basically off the charts and the size of a 2 year old) and 25 pounds.  He does 4-5 signs and has around 10 words although he "talks" a lot!  He enjoys "reading" and playing with every single toy we have.  He loves dogs and it was one of his first words.  He loves our dog...the feeing is not mutual ;-)  He is generally happy and listens pretty well.  He has a lot of funny "tricks" like walking backward, sticking his tongue out, spinning in circles, and laying down.  He LOVES chick fil a and really loved Chipotle.  Black beans are his love language!  He's SUPER clingy lately, even not allowing Jon's parents to hold him AT ALL at our last visit.  I'm looking forward to that stage ending ASAP!  He's been walking well since about 13 months and now he runs!  He is very funny...and knows it :-)  And he's definitely getting a mind of his own...yikes.  Really, I could just go on and on!  :-)  But I'll share a few pics and shut up ;-)

 This is what he does if you tell him to lay down, lol!
 Modeling his new car seat coat/ponch because mom HATES winter coats ;-)
 His no shave November black bean beard ;-)
Hope you enjoyed!  I hope to be back to share more soon!

Don't forget to check out the retiring Holiday merchandise, ESPECIALLY the Project Life stuff!  It's so great for keeping your memories from the holidays!

Happy stamping!


  1. Hey Mindy, don't beat yourself up about not stamping and creating as much as you would like. Ian (my 38 year old son's name too) will be little for only a short time, so just kick back and enjoy him! Believe me, they are grown up and gone before you know it. And you ARE still creating even if it's dialed back now.

    1. Oh no beating myself up here! I truly WANT to stamp and blog more and get back to doing things I like (and get organized which I am NOT)! And we spend PLENTY of time together, lol! And that's funny...there was a kid named Ian at the doctor's office and I guess I know Ian knows his name. He about broke his neck looking at the other mom when she "yelled" at her Ian to get going, lol! He was like, what did I do??? Haha!

  2. Ha ha! I saw your card and of course always love your work and then I read your post. That is exactly what I'm doing. Starting out slow, again, by commenting on blogs. Let's hope it lasts.


Thanks for your comments. I probably won't respond unless you ask a direct question (because I know my limits, lol) but I read and appreciate every single one <3