
Monday, December 14, 2015

It's a Christmas Miracle!

Hi stampers!  I stamped!  For like a couple of hours on Saturday and made multiple cards!  This is a big deal.  I usually struggle to get just one.  I cased a few out of the catalog and came up with a few on my own so woohoo!

I had planned to stamp during nap time both Thursday and Friday since Ian usually takes around a 3 hour nap!  He, however, had other plans :-)  He ended up getting his first ear infection so his naps both days were about an hour.  I started to suspect something on Thursday since he usually sleeps so much longer.  He is getting like 7 or 8 teeth (OMG) including four molars....all at once.  Eek!  So, I chalked some of it up to that.  And then Friday I was exhausted from not sleeping well (totally aside from him being sick) then trying to get us to the doctor which took most of the morning.  It was couch surfing for momma after his bed time instead of stamping!  Thankfully, he's a trooper and doing much, much better already.  He was back to his 3 hour nap over the weekend and I got to work!  Never mind the house is a mess and I have a mile long to do list.  I was stamping!!!!!  I hope I can get the photos edited and blog posts up to share with you!  I'm very happy but sad that Christmas is almost here and I have so much more holiday stamping I'd like to a perfect world...

Here is a card that I think I'll send to my dad and step mom.  I think they will like it.  And it's taken me way too long to ink up this stamp!

Happy stamping!


  1. the card is really cute! I think they'll like it. Hope Ian feels better! It's so hard when they're teething :( But it sounds like you could get a lot of the teeth out of the way at once! That certainly is better than one at a time lol. Stay strong momma!

  2. Love your card! And poor little guy, ear infections hurt so much it has to be simply unbearable for a tot. If everything else in life like bills, cleaning, etc got a holiday this time of year it would make the fun stuff so much easier! Our dining room table has became card and gift wrap central and I don't care if it stays a mess!


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