
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Jolly Deer

Hi stampers!  How can Christmas be this week already?  I'm ready but I'm not ready!  I really think I'd like it if the holiday season was longer!  I'd have more time to get ready (ok, more time to procrastinate, lol) and more time to enjoy all the fun stuff!  I'm kind of dreading the time after Christmas, January-March can seem kind of long.  It's cold and often dreary and there's not a whole lot going on.  Last year was rough, with Ian being only 5-6 months old.  I'm hoping it will be a little better now that he's older and maybe I won't feel as trapped at home if it's cold.  He can do much more stuff now and there's lots of places to take him to learn and play!

Today it baking day and we'll be making all kinds of cookies and no-bake treats!  Hopefully I won't eat them all and I'm excited that Ian can enjoy some of them this year too!  I'm always looking for new things to try, what are your favorite holiday treats?

This is one of the last cards I made.  I was just playing round with some leftovers from cutting out the word.  I had intentionally cut it out at this placement in order to make a card with it!  Sometimes I have a bright idea...sometimes ;-)

I'm just going to CRY when this paper goes away in a few weeks.  I just love the vintage/retro feel and that dang deer is too sweet.  I'm warning you now, you may see it for a while!  I really love the music note design too.  I'm sure you couldn't tell that ;-)

Ok, time to check on the cookies ;-)

Happy stamping!


  1. I absolutely love that dsp too. I didn't order it because I wasn't sure how to use it! Can you believe that. I love vintage in home decor and my husband even bought me a vintage Detroit Jewel stove from the 1940's. The crazy guy wanted to try to hook it up! Ahhhh! I said NO! ;)

  2. Oh, and what an adorable card you made with that adorable deer!


Thanks for your comments. I probably won't respond unless you ask a direct question (because I know my limits, lol) but I read and appreciate every single one <3