
Friday, January 19, 2018

Fab Friday 129

Hi stampers!  Happy Friday!  This was a long week with me straining my hamstring on Monday.  It's hard for me to take it easy, especially with a three year old!  It's feeling better although a long way from normal but I can at least sit at my desk chair now!  Not that I!

Anyway it's finally FRI-YAY!  That also means it's time for a new challenge at Fab Friday!  This week we have a sketch for you.

I used the picture perfect birthday stuff for my card because it's just too cute!  And bright!  And fun!

Did you know the artist that designed this paper MADE everything on the photo side of the paper?  She made the hats and bows and streamers and everything and then took pictures of them for the paper.  It's so cool!

My photo isn't the best this time, sorry.

Anyway, make sure to check out what the rest of the team did and play along with us!

Happy stamping! Product List


Thanks for your comments. I probably won't respond unless you ask a direct question (because I know my limits, lol) but I read and appreciate every single one <3