
Wednesday, February 20, 2019


Hi stampers! Happy Wednesday!  I guess I have ample time to blog today as my little buddy has a fever and feels puny.  Hopefully we won't add anymore symptoms into the mix.

February AND Sale A Bration are flying by so I figured I'd better get this stamp set inky before it was too late!  My mom grew up on a farm and now lives there although she doesn't have any animals now.  But her very favorite is chickens so I grabbed this one with her in mind!  It was perfect that it had a missing you sentiment because I'm pretty much always missing my momma!  I hope we can live closer to her one day!  They are actually coming to visit today IF the roads are ok.  They got some bad weather overnight.  I'm hoping to surprise Ian so I really hope he feels better this evening!

Anyway, I colored him in with my Blends and I thought that the Wood Textures DSP was a perfect match!    Some copper and lace accents were the finishing touches!

Happy stamping!

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