
Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Tie Dye Tuesday

Hi stampers, happy Tuesday!  I have a fun card to share today and it may be my most favorite card I've made, ever!  I used our new Pigment Sprinkles and they are SO FUN!  Messy!  But fun!  Make sure to cover your work surface and your clothes!  I'll have a tip on that later on.  I'll try to do a video of these for you soon!

The colors are so amazing and I thought they would look great with the medallion mask from the Party Pattern Decorative Masks!  I wasn't wrong!

I taped my Watercolor Paper down with some retired washi tape on a old clipboard I use for watercoloring.  Then, I taped my mask down.  I spritzed it a little and then shook just a little of each color on where I wanted it.  The key to this stuff is to start light and add more IF you need to.  Finally, I added a little more water to get it to blend well. I then really carefully dabbed a paper towel to soak up the excess water and gently peeled the mask away and left the paper to dry.  The paper towel is also a piece of art, lol!

The colors of these sprinkles are just SO vibrant!  This card didn't need anything else but a sentiment!
Even if you're not a great watercolor artist, these things make it easy to look like it!!!!!  And they are just so fun!  They come out different each time!

Have you tried the Pigment Sprinkles yet?  If not, grab them NOW and earn a bonus coupon to use next month which is FAST approaching!!!!

And here's a little clean up tip!  Disclaimer:  I TRY to limit my plastic use and make as little waste as possible but I already had these AND I'm going to try to use this thing until I can't anymore!  I had some medical chux pads from when Ian was a baby (I used them to cover gross changing tables and for puking/sick babies, that kind of thing) and I thought it would be great for catching any excess powder and over-spray!  I wasn't wrong.  They are basically like puppy pads (although I wouldn't use those because they have chemicals added) but for people.  I think this one will last me a long time!  I just thought I'd pass it along in case you have any lying around.

It was also easy to just cover everything on my work surface and then pick the whole thing up to set aside to dry!

Edited:  I created a video for this technique!  Hope you find it helpful!

Happy stamping!

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