
Monday, August 26, 2019

It's Been A While

Hi stampers!  Happy Monday!  It's been a while since I posted.  I actually had a lot of projects to share but I went to visit my mom a couple of weeks ago and she tells me ON THE WAY to her house that they got rid of their internet!  Who does that????  I guess a couple of retirees who live in the boondocks, lol!

I do wish she would have told me ahead of time as I'de been saving up projects to blog while I was there since I have quite a bit of down time.  Oh well.

Since it's Monday, Ian is starting school (four days a week so hopefully I'll have a bit more crafty time), and I have a headache today, I'm going to keep it simple today!

I whipped these up over the weekend for our neighborhood welcoming committee.  Our neighborhood is still expanding so we have started gifting welcome baskets to those who move in!

As soon as I saw the From Our House To Yours Stamp Set in the Holiday Catalog, I knew I'd have to have it for these cards!  Obviously, it's a cute set for Christmas but it can be so much more!  I added the welcome from Well Said and that was that!

I also love the navy door because we have one and I thought that Terracotta Tile made a cute roof!  We may not have a lot of tile roofs here but I just thought it was perfect!

Time to get Ian ready for school!

Happy stamping!

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