
Friday, May 8, 2020

Fab Friday 189

Hi stampers!  It seems I'm failing at blogging! Probably because all I do now that we are at home is cook, do dishes, and clean up after all of us being here ALL THE TIME!  Anyone relate?  And the fact that Ian can't leave me alone for five whole minutes ;-)

I have been spending time (especially on the weekends) in my office just watching TV to be "alone" and laying on the floor or the last 8 weeks or so.  I started looking into something to relax in like a chair or chaise lounge but for the time being, it occurred to me that Ian's old rocker and ottoman was upstairs.  We managed to lug it downstairs and while I don't love the way it looks and have a chair in mind to order, it works for now!  I'm sort of afraid I'll never stamp again, ha!  But again, my plan has backfired as someone else finds it cozy.  Mom life right there....

Anyway, I did manage to stamp a card for Fab Friday!  And then I promptly sat in my relaxing spot again ;-)

And here's my card!  The Peaceful Poppies DSP makes quick and easy cards, it's really almost all you need!

I hope you'll play along with us!

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Thanks for your comments. I probably won't respond unless you ask a direct question (because I know my limits, lol) but I read and appreciate every single one <3