
Thursday, July 7, 2011

The BEST catty yet!

I know I say it every year but I really REALLY mean it this year!  This is the best catalog SU has ever had!  I LOVE the stamps, accessories, and the SAMPLES!!!!!  They are just fabulous this year and I've cased more already than I think I ever have in a catty!  So I sat down tonight after work and the gym and dinner and managed to get TWO done, woo-hoo!  AND I actually LIKED them both, lol!  So tonight's post is a two-fer! 

First up is the card that I semi-cased from page 2 of the catalog.  It was a little 3 x 3 but I wanted to make it bigger so here we go:

Stampin' supplies:
Stamps:  Best of everything, tiny tags
Paper:  Whisper white, pool party
Ink:  pool party, daffodil delight, old olive
Accessories:  Large circle punch, daffodil and pool party ribbon, jewelry tag punch, linen embossing folder

I used the best of everything stamp set.  It's so cute!  I was on the fence about getting it but was able to earn it FREE with the new hostess benefits!  Free stamps = GOOD stamps:-)  All I did here was stamp the bird and a couple of flowers and cut them out.  The stem is stamped on the circle punch and then I popped it all up on dimensionals. 
And want to know a lil dirty secret about this card???  I messed up and used a bigger circle than was called for on the supplies so my flower didn't go over the top and it didn't look I just added the second one to make my flower taller and ta-da all better:-)  There are NO mistakes in stamping...only opportunities to embellish!!!  I also layered the ribbons and I LOVE that new in color ruffled ribbon! It's so fun!  A tiny tag rounds this card out!

Next up, field flowers.  I don't usually go ga-ga over floral sets but WOW!  This one caught my eye right away!  I tried hard to resist it but alas I caved:-)  And I'm glad I did, just look!

Stampin' Supplies:
Stamps:  Field flowers, tiny tags
Paper:  crumb cake, calypso coral, first edition DSP
Ink:  Old olive, calypso coral, blushing bride
Accessories:  crochet trim, vintage tags

Wow-eeeee!  This is a two step stamp so I stamped the more solid image in blushing bride first and then went back with the detail stamp in calypso coral and I LOVE the way it turned out!  I was afraid calypso was too bright for a vintage card to start with but it works!  I also sponged the DSP with blushing bride.  And a vintage tag and some crochet trim finish this one nicely. 

Hope to be back soon!  Happy stamping!


  1. Love 'em! I'm so happy to see some new stuff. I've been stalking all the websites all day!

    I haven't had that much luck with coral, but I like it with Blushing Bride.

  2. Love these...especially #2...wowza!!!

  3. Awesome cards Mindy!!! I agree about the cattie being the best one yet!!

  4. Your cards are great Mindy! The Best of Everything was one of the first sets to catch my eye- it's so cute! I am SO glad I ordered it! ( got it today woohoo!) I also love Field Flowers and plan on adding it to my Holiday mini preorder!


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