
Monday, October 10, 2011

Rosette Wreath

Hi stampers! I don't have a stamping project today......BUT I have something just as fun!  Over on Splitcoast Stampers I'm part of the Creative Crew design team.  Each month we are given four new challenges and one of those for October was to make a holiday themed gift from SU products.  Well, given my aforementioned addiction to Pintrest, I found a wreath with fabric rosettes that was just the cutest thing ever!  I immediately had to make my own using our SU exclusive fabric!  So given that I'm totally addicted to our spice cake collection, that was the fabric I chose.  It made a gorgeous fall wreath!

The rosettes are really easy to make but they do take a little bit of time.  I worked on them here and there as time allowed.  They are good project to do when sitting and waiting somewhere, watching tv or in the car!  Really all it takes is some fabric glue,  folding, twisting, and rolling...NO SEWING!  :-)  You don't even have to cut the fabric, I just tore it, hehe!  To adhere them to my wreath I simply hot glued them on.

I'll have a video tutorial later this week on how to make the flowers.  Make sure to come back and check it out!

Happy stamping!


  1. Your wreath is so cute! I'm a fellow addict to both pinterest and the Spice Cake collection! Looking forward to the tutorial.

  2. Oh. My. WOW!!! This is gorgeous, Mindy! I just ordered that have totally inspired me! Who needs Pinterest when you can stop by Bada-Bing!? *wink* Have a great day!

  3. Mindy, That is simply beautiful!!! I love this!!

  4. Wow - this is absolutely beautiful What a great way to use those rosettes. I've made them with ribbon, but not the fabric yet. Thanks for the inspiration.

  5. This is amazing! Like the color a lot.


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