
Friday, August 10, 2012

2012 Artisan Finalist Blog Tour - Day 2

Hi stampers!  It's day two of the Artisan Finalist blog tour!  You probably just came from the super talented Tara's blog! Wasn't her project cute???  Now don't worry if you didn't come from her blog or you get lost on the tour....I'll have a list of all the stops at the bottom of the post!

Today I thought I'd show you my favorite scrap page from my entries.  This page is a 8 x 8 size and is a traditional scrap page.  I did one traditional page, one digital page and then one hybrid page so we'll start with the tried and true.  The reason it's my favorite page out of all three is because it features my momma:-)  She looked absolutely gorgeous at our wedding so I've been wanting to scrap this pic for a while now.  I chose the summer smooches paper because she loves bright colors and I knew she'd like it and her dress was purple and went with the colors perfectly!
Now, pay no attention to the date...I totally wrote the date on the journaling as 2012 instead of 2010...oops:-)  Anyway, I used a lot of different sets for the words and a lot of punches and dies for the flowers!  And I have to say my momma is all of these things!  :-)  Love you mom!

I have to laugh because my mom kept telling me I was going to win because of this page...because of her that is, ha!  She did keep telling me I was going to win and I didn't even dream of making the finals so I guess she might know what she's talking about some days!  I do feel bad for scaring her though....we were in Vegas when I got the phone call letting me know I was a finalist and I was crying when I called her to tell her the good news.  Oops:-)  Had to quickly reassure her they were HAPPY tears!  Oh and the other thing she told me (well texted me) after I sent her the photo of the finished page is that she wanted it, ha!  She was sad I had to send it off to Utah so I'll probably have to remake this one!  I should probably get to work on that!

Now keep on hopping over to Connie's blog if you haven't already and check out her cute project!  And if you started with Connie then you should have seen all of us!  But just in case you get lost here is a list of us hoppers:
1:  Connie Collins
2:  Holly VanDyne
3:  Melissa Stout
4:  Amy O'Neill
5:  Sandie Conner
6:  Amy Rogers
7:  Mercedes Weber
8:  Tara (Murphy) Bougroin
9:  Mindy Bingamon (You are here)

Thanks for visiting and come back tomorrow for more projects!

Happy stamping!


  1. This is really special Mindy! Your page and your momma are beautiful! I love that set with those little sayings. ...and I've done the wrong year on many o'pages :/

  2. LOVE this page, Mindy! I'm definitely going to CASE it.

  3. What a beautiful page, Mindy and your mom CRACKS ME UP! Of course Mother's know everything! ;)

  4. What a beautiful page, Mindy! And your Mom is a beautiful lady! Love the bright colors.

  5. Oh so sweet, I love your story behind the page, that is the beauty of scrapbooking, it evokes wonderful memories. I love how your page turned out, and since you already did the hard work designing it, replicating it should be easy.

  6. Mindy, you page is just as beautiful as your mother. I love the bright and cheerful colors. Yes, I think you are right, you had better get to work on making one for her. Sounds like a great Christmas present!

  7. Absolutely beautiful page! A great little tribute to someone so special :)

  8. What a great layout. The colors, the journaling, the title flags.

  9. Love the strips of designer paper and the way you used so many stamp sets to convey your feelings about your mom. Great page my friend!

  10. I think this is my favorite of your projects. You can really tell how much love went into it. I just love your relationship with your mom and hope to have that with Laila. :)

  11. Mindy this page is fantastic! The colours, patterns and embellishments you chose totally go with the whole feel of the picture. Your mom seems to just radiate a wonderful, fun spirit and you really captured that with this page.

  12. I hope you framed this! This is absolutely gorgeous. And I hope you made two, one for your mom and one for yourself. It's really fantastic. (And I'm very picky. So trust me on this one.)


Thanks for your comments. I probably won't respond unless you ask a direct question (because I know my limits, lol) but I read and appreciate every single one <3