
Monday, May 19, 2014

A Card For Myself

Hi stampers!   It's been a while, I know.  Truth is I'm struggling a bit.  I don't do well when my normal routine is disrupted and moving will do that!  I also have a hard time finding a new routine!  The gym usually helps but since I'm a gym snob and picky about them I haven't found on yet.  While I love our new house it's kind of weird to not have any friends (yet) or family nearby.  It's also a bad habit of mine to get something done to about 90% then quit...aka unpacking and organizing :-)  I've kind of stalled out there and need to just suck it up and do it!  I've also been kind of avoiding a new routine I'm sure because I know in just a few months it will change BIG time again :-)  I also miss teaching aerobics but again, with what's coming I didn't want to say hey hire me for a few months then I don't know when I'll be back.......

I am planning to try to ramp up my SU business but I'm sort of waiting until we have a garage sale so one, I can clear out a TON of stuff hopefully and two, meet people!!!!!  Just found out we have a neighborhood sale the first full weekend in June so I need to get my rear in gear and get my mom up here to help me :-)

Anyway, I have stamped a little but both stamping AND blogging together is a feat in and of itself, lol! And three of the projects are for the Control Freaks hop which is officially tomorrow (but posts this evening so keep an eye out) so I couldn't show you those anyway.

But I've had this card done for a few weeks and I think I need to send it to myself :-)  I need to show my Occasions mini items a little more love!!!!

Stampin' Supplies:
Stamps:  Geometrical
Paper:  Whisper white, bermuda bay, daffodil delight, strawberry slush, kaleidoscope DSP
Ink:  Bermuda bay, daffodil delight (markers)
Accessories:  Hexagon hive thinlit

I was at a loss how to use that bold DSP but I think it works here! And I free hand stamped the hexagon shapes on the hexagons.  I didn't want them to be perfect anyway!  And I finally broke out that die!  Just DON'T forget to use some wax paper in between it and the paper!  My first try I forgot and it was NOT coming out of there clean!

I'll be back soon!

Happy stamping!


  1. Will you happen to have sent with love for sake? The one from over a year ago with the airplane?

  2. Love your card - the colors and sentiment are great. Keep it out on your counter to see every day. Moving is a huge event in our lives and combine it with pregnancy it's got to be a whopper! Seems like your neighborhood sale will be a great way to meet new friends and introduce your business your business too. Hang in there, you're so talented and so willing to share (see this online all of the time with your beautiful projects and comments) things will all come together for you.

  3. Mindy, I appreciate your openness and honesty. I can relate and see myself in a few of your struggles. You have had so many major changes in a short period of time, it is understandable you are struggling. Hang in there. Keep putting one foot in front of the other. Once Ian arrives a new everchanging routine will emerge.
    Your card is darling.

  4. Will you post the details of your sale here on your blog? I am in the Chicago suburbs (southwest, though) and might be tempted to check it out... :)

    1. I will try. I have way too much to list it all and have one week to get it plus all the other regular household stuff ready to go. There will be TONS of retired stamps, retired DSP (some whole packages, most remnants but many full pages, embellishments, ribbon. Possibly some punches and big shot items. Some non-SU crafting supplies. You'll have a long drive but it's a neighborhood sale so there will be lots of bargains and deals! I hesitate to post my address but I suppose it's available from SU on the demo locator. I'll post more details next week when I get more organized (I hope) as well. Not sure of the start times either, I'll have to check the signs but it's Friday and Saturday. 944 Blackburn, Grayslake. If there is something specific you are looking for you can let me know and I'll try to see if I have it!

  5. Will you post details about your neighborhood sale here on your blog? I am in the Chicago suburbs (southwest, though) and might be tempted to come check it out! :)


Thanks for your comments. I probably won't respond unless you ask a direct question (because I know my limits, lol) but I read and appreciate every single one <3