
Friday, May 9, 2014

Fab Friday 41

Hi stampers and happy Friday!  I've had a bad baby brain week and am exhausted as I'm anemic as well as uncomfortable with a foot or toe or something jammed in my back/ribs so this post will be quick!

It's time for a new challenge over at Fab Friday which I JUST managed to eek out today after my pre-order came and before we ventured out into rush hour traffic to meet friends and their 8-week old little girl for dinner!

Here's the sketch:

And here's the card:

Stampin' Supplies:
Stamps: Something to say
Paper:  Whisper white, blackberry bliss (so yummy), sahara sand, moonlight DSP stack
Ink:  Blackberry bliss, hello honey
Accessories:  Speech bubble framelits, itty bitty accents punch pack

Loving the new stuff but no time to really sit down with it yet!  This may be the quickest card I've ever made.  I literally had 20 minutes before I had to leave when my stuff came and I realized it was Thursday and Fab Friday was live at midnight.  And the fact that I needed a card for baby girl K!  My stamp room is a mess and I was literally ripping packages open and throwing stuff around!  The stamp set is adorable and kind of the "new" and fresh petite pairs!  Hope you like the small peek of a few new colors and items.  Hope to have more soon if me and this little one can get our acts together and off the couch!!!!

Make sure to check out all the DT samples and play along.

Happy stamping!

1 comment:

  1. Cute Mindy! Love the simplicity of this one....just change out the sentiment for any occasion. TFS!


Thanks for your comments. I probably won't respond unless you ask a direct question (because I know my limits, lol) but I read and appreciate every single one <3