
Friday, June 24, 2016

Fab Friday 90

Hi stampers!  TGIF!  I can't believe I'm saying this but how is it Friday already and I kind of wish summer would slow down!  It felt like June and nice weather and summer would never get here but now it has and the month is almost over!  Summer with the little guy is just so much fun and I have so much I'd like to do and it's all going too fast!

I still haven't stamped much this week, mainly because I'm way too old to stay up until 2 something in the morning like we did at my oldest friend's wedding!  I've known her since pre-school and she was "sorry" the bar across from the hotel was only open until 3am and we had to leave the reception hall at 12:45...hahaha!!! Sorry????  I was going to be sorry if I was asleep by 9:30 like normal ;-)  We made it until two something but I was basically asleep standing up and my feet were not happy after dancing in my heels!  So, I'm still trying to play catch up by lounging on the couch and going to bed early, ha!

Anyway I did manage to make a little something for this week's Fab Friday challenge!  We'll get to the new in colors one of these days, but we couldn't pass up a good patriotic color combo this time of year!  'Merica!!!!!!

Of course, you can make any theme you like but I chose to go with the obvious!

I used the same idea from my display stamper application a few weeks ago.  The sunburst die makes a great firework!  I recently got the new label stamp set and punch so the sentiment was perfect!  The stars are from the perpetual birthday calendar set and I may have thrown a few retired candy dots on there just cuz they were festive and I have a lot left!

Make sure you check out everyone else's awesome creations and play along with us!

Happy stamping!

1 comment:

  1. Laughing at your lifestyle cause .. Lol .. It's the same as mine! Had to stay up late a couple of nights to get my daughter's birthday card and treat bag etc done .. almost killed me.. I'm starting Christmas way early this year! Anyway, you did a nice job on your card and that is a great use of that die! Hope you enjoy your summer!


Thanks for your comments. I probably won't respond unless you ask a direct question (because I know my limits, lol) but I read and appreciate every single one <3