
Saturday, June 25, 2016

Succulent Obsessed!

Hi stampers!  I haven't been posting much on the weekends (or at all the past few weeks...we've been busy) but I just couldn't wait to share this card.  I LOVE the live, love, grow set and I'm kind of obsessed with succulents.  While I haven't gotten any to grow yet (I'm not sure where to put them where little hands couldn't make a mess of them) I've been looking at them on Instagram.  They come in so many varieties and PRETTY color combinations!

This set came the other day and I sat down pretty quick just to play around with colors.  I stayed pretty basic with greens but I can't wait to try other more colorful combos.  Seriously, search for images of succulents!  Some are so pretty they don't even look real!

This card is super simple and I couldn't love it more!  And the set makes it super simple since it's clear and you can see right through it!
Stampin' Supplies:
Stamps:  Live, love, grow
Paper:  Whisper white, basic black
Ink:  Basic black, always artichoke, garden green, mint macaron

So far, my favorite combo is mint macaron outlined in always artichoke which is the left most plant here.  The middle plant is always artichoke but the more solid image was stamped off once.  I can't remember exactly what I did for the right plant but I THINK it's garden green stamped off and then the outline is cucumber.

Are you into the succulent craze?  Did you get this set?  Is it on your list?

Happy stamping!

1 comment:

  1. I haven't even seen this set yet .. yah, I DO live under a rock lol and have just been super busy and distracted! The first thing I thought of when I saw this was using the stamp that is the top of the glass on a piece of clear cardstock. Then it would shine like a real glass container. Nice job though on your card! Do you have a shelf up somewhere above Ian's reach? Or maybe on top of your fridge. Not great to have real plants there but you wouldn't have to worry about paper ones.


Thanks for your comments. I probably won't respond unless you ask a direct question (because I know my limits, lol) but I read and appreciate every single one <3