
Friday, July 7, 2017

Fab Friday 116

Hi stampers!  Happy Friday!  I had my follow up for my foot yesterday and things seem to be healing as expected.  It's been just over two weeks now, and that's usually right around the time you notice a difference with fractures and it's feeling pretty good.  I was able to bend it more than I have been yesterday will less weird feelings (lol) so that's good.  I was kind of disappointed they didn't do a repeat x-ray but I'm not surprised either I guess because it's a toe and I didn't have any pain when he examined it.  Now, to just not over do it for 4 more weeks, hehe.  He said I can try real shoes some too...I'm kind of nervous about that but we'll see!  I tried briefly over the 4th and it didn't go well lol, but a few days can make all the difference too!

Anyway, on to the real reason you came to visit, the Fab Friday challenge!

It's a lot of colors, I know, but I'm kind of in love with this combo!  It's so fun!  And you guys!  I did something I never do!  I made a background scene!!!!  I mean, these colors were just calling out for a sunset and a flamingo, were they not?????

I simply did a watercolor wash for my background.  I did the tangerine and daffodil consecutively so they blended together and then I dried it with my heat tool before I did the water with Bermuda bay so that it wouldn't blend together.  I'm not sure those two colors would mesh well :-)

The ripples in the water are looking a bit like tranquil tide in my photo for some reason but it's Bermuda!  I stamped them when the watercolor paper was just a tad damp so a few of them bled just a little as well.

I fussy cut my flamingo after stamping him stamped off once on watercolor paper and then his body full strength.  I also lightly misted the paper so the ink would bleed a little bit for a softer look.  The sentiment is stamped in full strength an then the thanks is stamped off once also.

Make sure to see what else the design team did with these colors and then whip something up to share with us!  We'd love to see what you make!

Happy stamping! Product List

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