
Monday, July 10, 2017

Mailable Monday

Hi stampers!  Welcome to another week!  The summer is flying by even if I can't fully enjoy it with my bum foot.  It's healing well but I'm anxious to get back to normal!  I got the go-ahead to discontinue the post-op shoe but I'm still wearing it to the gym because a gym shoe isn't comfortable yet.  I can walk ok around the house and out in flip flops but no closed toe shoes yet.  Blah!  It's been not quite three weeks although it feels like 30 lol!  Have you every broken anything?  Did healing seem to take forever???  I'm sure it did!

Anyway, how about a cute and simple card?  I cased this directly from the catalog (with a few minor changes) and I love the whole lot of lovely suite!  It's so cute!

I used markers for the two piece stamps and the colors are as follows: soft suede, tangerine tango, pear pizzaz, emerald envy, powder pink.

Happy stamping! Product List

1 comment:

Thanks for your comments. I probably won't respond unless you ask a direct question (because I know my limits, lol) but I read and appreciate every single one <3