Hi stampers! I have a spooky card today...and clearly, I got a late start. Whoops! ;-)
Anyway, I can't even really remember how I did this background. I know I attempted a smoosh technique and it ended up more of a the whole piece of paper had ink all over it technique LOL!!!! There were tangerine tango, pumpkin pie, and peek a boo peach reinkers involved if you want to try to recreate it but I think I must have used way too much ink...for the look I was aiming for anyway.
But the longer this dried, the cooler I thought it looked and pretty spooky, too! So it wasn't a fail after all!

I threw on a silver chandelier, some spiders, and a raven and it was perfect! I haven't used this set nearly enough yet, it's super cool!
And don't forget that one "ruined" project can turn into another perfect one!
Happy stamping!
(I'll try add supplies later, the interwebz are not cooperating now)